
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

This blog captures my thoughts and observations of Amelia since there are so many wonderful things I want to just bottle and enjoy. Time doesn't stop and while I will have memories, it will be nice for both her and me to have these in-the-moment snapshots of her life.

Saturday, September 08, 2007


I took Amelia to a local children's consignment store in search of a riding toy. They had a couple, but neither held her interest. She really liked the sit-n-spin, but I passed on it for now. There was a bench she found that she really liked and it had room for toys. I decided it shouldn't pass it up, so it came home with us. She loves it. Even in the store she was declaring her enthusiasm for her "b**ch". (Yes, this post does follow the church post. Nice placement, huh?) I was going to say that I can't help that she was having a little trouble with the "n" in bench, but we have been working on it.
Since acquiring the bench, she has enjoyed putting toys in and taking toys out, sitting on it and in general just loudly naming it as she stands close to it, left arm stretched towards it, and looks at us with her eyebrows raised, proclaiming its presence as if we weren't otherwise aware of it. She sometimes gets the "n" in there, too.

Other inhabitants of our house have also found a use for the bench.

[pictures dated 9/7 & 9/8/07]


Blogger Clementine said...

You know how much I love those mispronunciations. This one is great!

1:58 PM  

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