2 years, 3 months old
Today is the 22nd of December, which means that Amelia is 2 years, 3 months old today. Time continues to fly and every day still seems better than the last.
Her vocabulary continues to explode and sentences are appearing that include articles and other small but important words that make her sound suddenly grown up to me. She is also becoming more of a parrot and will suddenly blurt out, "Hello Wife! Hey Babe!" (this is how her daddy and I greet each other). And it is perfectly articulated which just amazes me. I am imagining her in first grade when someone asks what her mom's real first name is and she says, "Wife."
Amelia has suddenly decided that something besides a ball belongs in her toy stroller. This something is her Leapfrog Lion, which she got for Christmas from us last year. It is one of the few toys from last Christmas that she still plays with. (Point for mommy! ... sorry, couldn't resist.) She will announce that lion needs to go in the stroller, find him, carefully put him in behind the straps and then off they go through the house.
She's been wearing her Christmas stocking hat this past week. People are always amazed at how she not only wears it, but carefully puts it back on if it falls off. Amelia amazed me when she looked at the length of it while wearing it and declared it her "candy cane" hat.
Amelia does love her hats. Here she is this morning, wearing a hat that belongs on her large duckie, but she likes to put it on herself and wear it for a while around the house.
Yes, she is amazing. No, I'm not biased.
[Pictures dated 12/17/07 & 12/22/07]
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