
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

This blog captures my thoughts and observations of Amelia since there are so many wonderful things I want to just bottle and enjoy. Time doesn't stop and while I will have memories, it will be nice for both her and me to have these in-the-moment snapshots of her life.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Imaginary Rocks

In Amelia's quest to always "take somefin' with us", she will pick up a rock - where none exists! The first few times she did this I was amazed and checked to be sure a small rock hadn't materialized in our carpet or wherever we happened to be. Now it's pretty commonplace - and handy because I don't have to keep track of whatever it is that she has decided to leave with, nor do I have to try to convince her to leave an item that doesn't belong to us if we happen to be somewhere else.


Blogger -LGirl- said...

That's funny!

3:09 PM  

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