
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

This blog captures my thoughts and observations of Amelia since there are so many wonderful things I want to just bottle and enjoy. Time doesn't stop and while I will have memories, it will be nice for both her and me to have these in-the-moment snapshots of her life.

Saturday, October 14, 2006


Amelia loves balloons. (Okay, what kid doesn't?) She got her first one at Party City when we were shopping for her birthday party supplies. It was a yellow one that the clerk just handed to her and she was totally delighted. The leftover balloons from her party were a big hit with her at home. She loves how they bounce and move so easily. And she doesn't mind if they pop - she thinks it's funny!

Today she got another yellow one and had so much fun. I tied it to the button of her jacket and it would blow out in front of her. She'd chase it and of course it would still be just as far from her. It seemed kind of cruel but oh, so funny, too! And she has enough sense that she would reel it in from time to time anyway.

We are having SO much fun with her. She is just so happy, easily pleased and down right content.

[pictures dated 10/14/06]


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