
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

This blog captures my thoughts and observations of Amelia since there are so many wonderful things I want to just bottle and enjoy. Time doesn't stop and while I will have memories, it will be nice for both her and me to have these in-the-moment snapshots of her life.

Monday, April 09, 2007

What's Old is New Again!

Amelia adores this wind-up musical clock that plays "Hickory Dickory Dock". It was mine, then my sister's, and now it's hers.

I love this fish face she's been making lately. When I try to capture it on purpose, I don't seem to be able to quite capture it - but as I looked through the pictures I had taken at Saturday's Easter egg hunt, I discovered she just happened to be making the face when I took this picture.

[pictures dated 4/8 and 4/7/07]


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